Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Good Typography & Bad Typography

There are different views on what might be a good example of typography:
In my opinion, very good typography has to find a way of cumminicating itself in a unique and interesting way. Like for example:

Stuff like this is what gets attention because it is colorful and is interesting enough to get anyones attention. It also expresses ones interests and creativity to show different ways of how to do typography because typography doesn't have to be written and all it needs to show is that it is sending us a massage by any means.Then there is bad Typography like the following:

This is really bad Typography even though it might be exagerated it might get attention, it well never get respect or props if something is shown like this. Trying to be different is a good thing but the typing for these examples are too plain and not very captivating or creative. 

Also here is a link to an interesting video to something I found out  about typography and also it shows a really good example of Typography.