Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Good Typography & Bad Typography

There are different views on what might be a good example of typography:
In my opinion, very good typography has to find a way of cumminicating itself in a unique and interesting way. Like for example:

Stuff like this is what gets attention because it is colorful and is interesting enough to get anyones attention. It also expresses ones interests and creativity to show different ways of how to do typography because typography doesn't have to be written and all it needs to show is that it is sending us a massage by any means.Then there is bad Typography like the following:

This is really bad Typography even though it might be exagerated it might get attention, it well never get respect or props if something is shown like this. Trying to be different is a good thing but the typing for these examples are too plain and not very captivating or creative. 

Also here is a link to an interesting video to something I found out  about typography and also it shows a really good example of Typography.


  1. One thing that you have to be careful of is that typography does have to be written. I think what you meant to say was that the type can be illustrated or drawn.

    I do agree with you at a certain extent. Sometimes text does need to be decorative to be able to grab a person's attention, BUT not all 'simple' text is bad text either. When illustrated the right way, it can give a very professional look to the text where 'bright and swirly' would have only made it childish. You need to know exactly who you are advertising to and bring your text out in a way that will grab that type of viewer's attention.

  2. By the way, I took the time to watch your video. It was informative and I liked the way how everything was laid out. Thanks for the share.

  3. excellent job! There is variety and interestingly different - will look at the utube video - can you send the link to me via e-mail

  4. Please update with roughs and visual journal

  5. I don’t think it was such a difficult letter. You could certainly change the size of the letter so it could nearly fill the entire space
    Designs 1 shape – these are 2 different solutions to the problem. The fact that the negative space comes forward is very successful.. You could have changed the size of the letter but placement in the frame is important
    Design 2 line. These are the least successful. Perhaps the 2nd line may work better if made as horizontal. you are making spaces as well as lines –
    Design 3 direction – you have started to learn how to use the frame to create alternate solutions if placed in different places then you get a different sense of movement they are sort of the sAME
    Design 4 size. The big one is excellent!! It bulges out of the page.
    Design 5 texture – these came a long way – congratulations!! By moving the c’s off the page gave movement
    Design 6 value Excellent job – congratulations – a good sense of color and shades of
    Presentation EXCELLENT

  6. You may want to update your blog.
    Unless you are somebody that has dropped out of the class, your grade is going to suffer significantly if you don't update at least HALF of what you worked on.
    It has been long since you had updated your blog and I believe it is high past time that you get with the program.
